Browse the Congregational Library & Archives print collection
The Congregational Library was founded in 1853 with an initial donation of 56 books, pamphlets, periodicals, and manuscript materials. 170 years later, the Congregational Library & Archives holds some 225,000 items, both archival and published, covering Congregational Christian history and a broad array of related topics. The library's rare book section includes an unusually rich and complete representation of English and first-generation Puritan works, including an original copy of the Cambridge Platform of 1649. The library also holds a large sermon collection, some 15,000 individual pieces, covering the period from the late 1600s to the twentieth century, in both manuscript and printed form. As a designated archive of the Congregational Christian churches, the Library holds major institutional records of the denomination, as well as some 1500 different periodicals representing its longstanding interest in social reform, missionary work, and education.
This collection contains print materials which have been digitized by the Congregational Library & Archives.
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